Mikan Sakura grew up with her grandfather on the countryside of Japan. When her best friend, Hotaru, transfers to a prestigious school in Tokyo, Mikan follows her. The school is actually an elite Academy for gifted people with “Alices,” an ability that is unique depending on the individual being. Once Mikan arrives to the gates of the school, she encounters an Alice teacher named Narumi, gets enrolled due to a series of events, and is told that she possesses a rare Alice. Despite her initial view of the so-called greatness to the school, Mikan slowly discovers that beneath the grand facade of the Academy, there is a never-ending stream of lies and buried secrets. The school’s increasingly manipulative and sinister actions towards her make it a dangerous place to be. Little does Mikan know that her enrollment in Alice Academy set the gears in motion to an even greater tragedy.
I was looking for a site to re read then I came across this one I was wondering why the dates are like this when gauken Alice has been out for a while and ended a while ago, there’s another manga linked/continued from this one but I can’t re call the name of it 🙁 , I’m sure if you search it up on google for those who wish to read more that you can find it! 🙂
Thank you sono much for the manga!!
I’m literally crying with happiness
Mary Grace
i hope this manga will continue until mikan and natsume married.
Shojo manga reader
I was looking for a site to re read then I came across this one I was wondering why the dates are like this when gauken Alice has been out for a while and ended a while ago, there’s another manga linked/continued from this one but I can’t re call the name of it 🙁 , I’m sure if you search it up on google for those who wish to read more that you can find it! 🙂
megan chiaroni
natsume and mikan get wedding most love