The Mage Will Master Magic Efficiently In His Second Life Average 3.4 / 5 out of 13
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効率厨魔導師、第二の人生で魔導を極める ; Kouritsuchuu Madoushi, Daini no Jinsei de Madou wo Kiwameru
To be honest this manga is really fucking bad, the main character never really succeeded in completing his goals, at least not during the actual story, during the final battle it wasn’t even his own powers that won that battle.
There’s so much cliché bullshit in this manga, even when it doesn’t make any sense.
The main villain also pretty much changed personality twice in like the last 10 chapters.
Rather than actually going past his limits, he relied on underhanded means and random plot points to win the final fight.
There’s so much random bullshit that really needed more attention and chapters to actually get to understand, instead they take what could normally fill an entire arc, and compress it into a chapter or even just a couple of panels.
The ending is so fucking stupid, the last chapter is pretty much just saying “Oh yeah after all this all the character become the greatest people on the planet out of fucking nowhere.” rather than actually showing them grow in the story, every character is pretty much reliant on the mc and his plot armour, being unable to do shit, then suddenly they become the greatest people on the planet.
To finish this off, it seems like the author just decided “Fuck this manga” after like 40-50 chapters and decided to suddenly make a random villain fucking overpowered, and gives the mc some random weapon to beat it. The main villain literally went from being a slightly above average magician to someone powerful enough to wipe the most powerful mages like they were nothing, this all happened in like 5 chapters.
This manga left me with nothing more than an annoyed feeling after reading.